Our Crew

Creating a quality, hospitality experience takes planning, hard work and never ending guest compassion.  We are so fortunate to have assembled an amazing group of dedicated professionals who are eager to listen, always ready to help and truly understand what it means to put you, our guests, first.  Featuring these unique, capable, wonderful individuals gives us great pride and we hope you will enjoy learning more about our team.



Maricel is a passionate collector of coins and paper money from around the world and also has a vast collection of Funkos (google it) and small collectible cars. She LOVES tomatoes and has her heart set on visiting Italy someday.



Steve has been practicing the ancient art of Tai Chi for more than 30 years! He would never tell you about it himself but he has also spent some time acting in the local repertory theater. He is a dark chocolate fiend.



Hailyn loves nothing more than to spoil her little dog, Sadie. And now her new addition, Dusty. Her travel fantasy is the nordic countries; Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Iceland. She would love to go there someday and be wowed by the Northern Lights.



Kath is a nature lover extraordinaire and spends hours in the mountains, hiking and foraging for wild edibles. She is faith-filled and would someday love to go to Israel and visit all the ancient countries to witness the Bible come to life.



Jerri started her long employment career at the age of 8 catching nightcrawlers for a gas station in her hometown. Luckily for us, she soon moved on to babysitting, and now she works Guest Services for The Inn at Lynden like a boss. Jerri is a quick wit who would love to someday visit the Bahamas. But only if she could take a bus. Long flights are not her thing.



While we are afraid to ask him to demonstrate, Tomas says he is pretty handy with a butterfly knife. One day he’d love to visit Amsterdam to see firsthand the canals, architecture and windmills. His favorite dish is alambre, a Mexican dish mixture of meats, bell pepper and cheese.



You could try to out-nice Daniela, but you’d be wasting your time. She says her favorite food is mole and if you ever wanted to poison her a plate of that would be the easiest way to do it. Her travel fave is the Big Apple. She loves the NYC vibe with all the great people, walks, history, museums and food.



Kate is a quiet creative with a sharp eye for photography, layout and design. She is a fabulous illustrator, to boot. Kate would like to visit Greece and has hopes to someday move to Sweden, but not just yet.



If we are fantasizing about travel, then Kristina would most like to travel through time. She is an accomplished writer and has had many short stories published in the Whatcom Writers Anthology. At the top of the food groups for Kristina is COFFEE. And if that’s not available, then it’s chocolate covered coffee beans, thankyouverymuch.



Gracie likes skateboarding, playing with her border collie-burmese mix, and tinkering on her car. She enjoys hanging out with her little brother and her friends and is big into camping and bonfires. She’s also learning to play the drums. Her idea of a great travel adventure is a road trip with friends, going anywhere the road takes them. Gracie’s words of wisdom are: “If you are going to be weird, be confident about it”.